Mr Skin offers something a little different in the way of online adult content. The website’s administrator, who goes by the moniker “Mr Skin”, has been collecting nude and semi-nude video scenes from a number of different movies for years. With over 50,000 video clips, and more than 170,000 photo caps, Mr Skin’s database is one of the largest anywhere on the web. And the amount of content keeps on growing, with new updates to the site frequently made throughout the week with the mr skin discount still working. The site features some of the world’s most famous TV stars, actresses, singers, and models all in various states of undress, with video stills from movies, music videos, and photo shoots, all in high resolution and the best quality around.
Mr Skin Discount
There is also plenty of biographical information about each of the women featured on the website, with tons of different sections and pages. Despite the enormous amount of content on display, Mr Skin is still easy to navigate and all content is filed under many different headings and subheadings, as well as an extensive search function which allows members to sort through their favorite female stars. Aside from the adult content on the mr skin discount offer, there are blog posts and movie reviews, and members can browse content using the alphabetical navigation bar at the top of each page.
Who Doesn’t Love a Little Skin @ Mr. Skin!
One of the features available is a “playlist” section where similar videos have been grouped together and are streamed continuously. Videos are available to stream in a Flash file format, or can be downloaded onto your computer in either a Windows Media format, or MP4 for use on smartphones and mobile tablets. Several of these videos are available in high definition. Female stars can be searched for via various physical characteristics such as body type, hair color or breast size, and there is a wealth of celebrity news and information to read on the website. There is also a dedicated fan forum where members of the website can pose questions to Mr Skin, who can answer questions about a wide variety of different topics.